Spiral staircase OF DOOM!! (It was a pretty precarious pathway. But we loved it anyway, and since there were two bedrooms and a bathroom on the main floor, Gee and the Grandmas didn’t have to go up and down the scary stairs. Netanya beach house.The kitchen and my cute Em.The front yard–the front, side, and back yard were arranged so well, it felt bigger (and it IS pretty big) than it actually was. There were at least five seating areas, tables and chairs, pathways and courtyards, a little pond and fountain, and a little gazebo. It was an amazing place. View from the automatic gate to our little paradise. Killing time in Meveseret Zion Mall, waiting for our check-in time for our next (and last!) lodgings. Some kids had McDonalds, some had Pizza Hut. Bradley had a sandwich and I had…Sushi!!!! It was super delicious–I love me some fried tempura salmon and avocado and rice and seaweed. And SOY SAUCE.Our new place in Mevaseret Zion is truly palatial. Six bedrooms (two of them HUGE), 4.5 baths, a HUGE kitchen, an even bigger great room, secret rooms, and a PIANO. Hebs could not be more pleased. He’s missed his piano something fierce. (Bradley, too. It’s been a lovely day listening to them take turns playing.)So my new contacts correct my astigmatism and my near sightedness, but I’m an old lady and I need reading glasses. (My lost glasses were progressives.) So I found some readers at the grocery store. Now I look like an old lady librarian, according to my charming children. Zee, Yum, and I went to the Western Wall on Friday night to welcome the Shabbat. It was far more crowded this time, with a fairly significant military presence. It was really fun to people-watch and experience the culture there, but most of the singing and all of the dancing were pretty much on the men’s side, so it was a little tamer than I was hoping for. 🙂 We also did a little shopping and I may have spent more money than I should have buying gorgeous cashmere scarfs for myself and my two girlies. Zee, Keryn, Yum, Dome of the Rock in the background and the minaret in the background. I’m collecting Jerusalem gates. This is the Dung Gate. Lovely gate, less-than-lovely name. Reading the Come, Follow Me scriptures, all about David becoming king and taking the Jebusite city through the gutters. We’ve been there!It truly is a giant great room! Gee, chilling while reading.The rest of the group. Welcome, welcome Sabbath morning! (On a Saturday)
Today started out a little sad–Em got food poisoning (? we think) and spent the morning throwing up. Considering we have been amazingly healthy this whole trip, I am grateful she’s the only one feeling this way as of yet. She’s gotten progressively better as the day has worn on, and I’m hopeful that a) she’s the only one that gets sick and b) that she’s feeling good enough to explore tomorrow. Many prayers are being sent on her behalf!I’ll never get tired of this view!We sang “The Spirit of God” for the opening hymn, and my cup runneth over. Wow. After a lovely Shabbat nap, and spaghetti dinner, and home church, and a few card games, Yummy, Zee and I went for a walk around our absolutely LOVELY neighborhood. We found this baby park, and my baby tried to play. She’s a bit too big!
Tomorrow we are going to be daring–we’re going into the West Bank, taking a bus to Qumran National Park. (We aren’t allowed to take our car into the occupied territories.) It’s going to be interesting!